Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I spent most of my day away as I had to get x-rays on my ribs after pulling a root system out of my garden area of my back yard. Anyway this is what is leading up to the next problem that I haven’t managed to overcome as of yet.

Cats may be cute and all that but, I am not a cat lover. Some people say they are very clean. I beg to differ with you. Cats love to find areas to burry their waste; unfortunately they think my garden is a community toilet.

When I came home this afternoon I found my spinach plants half buried and the corner of the spinach bed empty of soil. This did not make me happy as when I put the spinach plants in they shocked and were looking a little under the weather. Today we had sun for the first time since I planted and these local cats do not want to give these plants a half a chance.

I also found holes dug in where I planted the string beans and a few of the beans were exposed. Of course I had to get out the small garden spade and dig out the presents that the little furry creatures left me.

I thought about hanging one on the fence by his tail and using him for a scare crow. He would make a great reminder for the others to stay away. What do you think? Just to let you know, I am not into animal cruelty so I just have to re-enforce the fence and not let them into the garden. Although some other thoughts did cross my mind.

It would be nice if people who owned these animals would take responsibility for what they do. I don’t have any pets for the simple reason I don’t want the responsibility. I am just as happy without them.

I am raising a vegetable garden for healthy eating and a cat using it for a toilet is not my idea of healthy. I could go into the nasty scientific stuff but we will save that for another time.

Does anyone have any ideas as to deterrents? I would appreciate any incite on this issue.


liz said...

Short of putting a fence around your garden (which is what I have to do to keep the rabbits from eating my veges) I can't think of anything else. A fence can be constructed easily enough with chicken wire and a few posts (even strong tomato stakes will do..the only 'challenging' aspect being a 'door' to get in and out.
I used to have the same problem with cats and a homemade 'sand box' for my kids when they were little. Wasn't long before I 'disassembled' that!

Denise said...

Yes the fencing will help.

You can also plant some catnip in another area or the yard for your visitors. It may head them into one area of your yard.

I also had a friend who put in a small area of sand for the cats. The neighborhood they lived in just let them run so they decided to add a cat playpen to deter them from the flowers.

My problem in groundhogs, but they don't care much for my dog so they stay out of the garden. Denise